Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bees and wasps

I have been stung by a bee before but luckily not a wasp. Common paper wasps are a pretty big wasp. I think they are about 2 inches long! But I don't know. When I got stung it hurt a lot. I really like honey. Especially honey on toast.


Anonymous said...

Hey i like your blog!
lol charlotte

Iain Davidson said...

Hi Jackson
Great blog and very interesting; can you help with a question? In my scrub at Anchorage there are lots of small holes in the ground (about the size of a dollar coin and about 10cm deep)) and living in the hole is a spider - I think it may be a "Wolf Spider"? Can you help me - I dont know if they are dangerous or not - thanks.
Unky Eyore

Jackson said...

Yes it does sound like a wolf spider. Wolf spiders are a little bit dangerous. I have included some information from the Australian Spider Identification Chart underneath.

Area of distribution: Australia-wide.

Venom toxicity: The bite of the Wolf Spider is poisonous but not lethal. Although non-aggressive, they will bite if provoked and should be considered dangerous to humans.
Painful bite: The bite may be very painful. Immediate first aid and medical attention, particularly as to children or the elderly.

Spider Identification: The adult Wolf spider is 15 mm to 30 mm in body length; of mottled grey to brown in colour, with a distinct Union Jack impression on it's back. The female Wolf spider carries it's young on it's back.

Habitat: The Wolf spider is a ground dweller, with a burrow retreat. This spider has a roving nocturnal lifestyle to hunt their prey and can move very rapidly when disturbed. Commonly found around the home, in garden areas with a silk lined burrow, sometimes with a lid or covered by leaf litter or grass woven with silk as a little fence around the rim of the burrow.

Iain Davidson said...

Hi Jackson
Thanks for the information about the Wolf Spider. I liked the photo of the Red Belly Black Snake, we have one living near our chook shed at the moment.
Unky Eyore

Iain Davidson said...

Hi Jackson
Thanks for the information about the Wolf Spider. I liked your blog on the red belly black snake, we have one living near the chook house and it is hiding in the rocks.

Unky Eyore

Jackson said...

I hope it is still there when I come over Unkki Eeyore!