Sunday, March 7, 2010

Red bellied black snakes

Red bellied black snakes don't have a red belly! They have a white belly. The red is on the sides of the snake. I have seen quite a lot of them. Luckily I've been in the car when I have seen them.


chris thwaites said...

Hi Jackson,
That is really interesting. I never knew they had a white belly! Also, i was wondering if you could help me with a question that has been bugging me for years. When we lived in Thailand I saw these really big lizards that lived on the banks of the klong (i.e. Canal). They weren't crocodiles. Do you know what they are called? Do you know what they eat? Thanks

Jackson said...

Hi Chris,
It is a water monitor
They eat fish,snakes and frogs.

chris thwaites said...

Thanks Jackson. It doesn't sound like they would be very friendly to swim with!
I have another question for you as well. When we travelled along the Meekong river in Cambodia and Laos I was told there were rare fresh water Dolphins, unfortuntately we didn't see any. I can remember seeing footage of them herding the fish onto the banks of the river, resulting in the fish beaching themselves. The Dolphins would then beach themselves as well so they could eat the fish and would then slide back into the river. The Dolphins skin colour was lighter than salt water Dolphins. Do you know what these Dolphins are called? Thanks

Jackson said...

Hi Chris,
I think they sound like Chinese River Dolphin, I would love to see that footage.
Love Jackson