Monday, July 11, 2011

My move to South Australia

At the start of 2011 I moved to South Australia. We live in a rental house in Victor Harbor. It took us 12 hours to get from my old house to my new one (I lived in Victoria). My dad drove here in a truck that he had hired to carry all our stuff from our old house. My mum was driving our old BMW with me, my sister our cat and our chicken which was in a basket. Not long after we moved here we bought two tiny chickens. We got them because we came over with one then we got one from our cousins. The dog from next door killed the one we got off our cousins so our other chicken was lonely. We got our little chickens from the "Wet 'n' Wild" pet shop. I had my birthday a few weeks ago and it was great! I got heaps of money and presents.

1 comment:

Pop & Nanny said...

Hey Jackson, Great to read your latest info. We can't wait to come over and catch up on all the things you have been doing! See you soon. L Pop & Nanny.
PS. Will email a few animal pictures I took.