Not long before my birthday of 2013 (12th birthday) I decided I really wanted a pet huntsman. My dad said he would look around while he was at my auntie and uncle's farm cutting wood for our fire at home. One of the times he said that he'd spotted a large one on a fallen tree. Of course when I heard that I insisted that we had to go and try to find him. So, for my party that year, me and two friends went to the farm with dad and ended up, before reaching the tree where the huntsman was last seen, collecting, if I remember correctly, five small skinks and three geckos (marbled geckos from what I remember). After searching for a while on the tree, out of the corner of my eye I saw the huntsman and we frantically managed to retrieve it.
We used my small glass lizard enclosure (as we only keep wild skinks and geckos for a couple of months at the most it was free) to house, what was now called Gery (said Jerry). After having "him" for a few months I took it into my year 6 class for the day and it was then I noticed that it was particularly bigger, in the abdomen, than before. Sure enough, after a week or two I saw a white, silky casing of what I knew to be an egg-sack. So, from then on, she was known as Geryette (Jerry-ett).
I did some research and found that they could have up to 200 babies! And when they hatched a month and a half later it definitely seemed like it. After worrying about them escaping we found that they stuck to their mother very closely, mostly hanging on to her and she was always inside a little hollowed out stump we gave her. Unfortunately we had to let her and her babies go and their behaviour towards their mother made it much easier to get them all out together.
I hope when people read this they will enjoy this and I'm going to try my best to start putting things up again.
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