Saturday, March 6, 2010

Centipedes and millipedes

At my cousins house there are millions of millipedes. Sometimes
when you look under rocks you can find 1 or 2 centipedes.
Centipedes have a poisonous bite. Millipedes have a weird smell.


chris thwaites said...

Hi Jackson,

Long time no see ;)

I was just reading an article on about millipedes and it reminded me about this blog you made on millipedes. The article is about how black Portuguese millipedes are invading people's homes as they like the recent wet conditions are in their greatest numbers in 8 years. Some other interesting facts about the millipedes in the article were as follows:
- They were accidently introduced to Adelaide in 1953 and have migrated across southern Australia, including Victoria (just think how long it took you to drive to Adelaide; they had to walk!)
- They normally are at their greatest numbers in Spring and Autumn each year
- They secrete the chemical hydrogen
cyanide when they are disturbed or squashed, this chemical stains anything it comes into contact with and is extremely irritating to the eyes
- They say the best thing to do is to sweep them up and take them outside; but be careful not to get the chemical on you!
- Apparently they even caused a train cancellations by climbing over the tracks and interfering with sensitive signaling equipment Tallarook in central Victoria.

I hope you found this interesting, I did! I'll send the original article from The Age to your mum and dad's email address as I don't think I can attach it.

Catch you later,


Jackson said...

Hi Chris,
That is really interesting. That must be why I have seen more around lately.
Love Jackson