Monday, March 8, 2010


Platypuses have a rubbery bill for feeding on larvae. Platypuses are one of the 2 mammals that lay eggs. They are called monetremes. Male platypuses have poison in there back feet.


Unknown said...

Hey Jackson! Neat pictures and loads of information. Great to read! Haven't read that you picked up a huntsman spider yet. Can you tell us something about them?
Pop & Nanny

Jackson said...

Thanks Pop & Nanny
I will make sure that I do that next.

Unknown said...

OK. Will look forward to that!!
Pop & Nanny.

Liv said...

I LOVE platypus! When I was growing up I used to go platypus watching with dad at night time.... next time your on the farm we should go see some platypus!

Jackson said...

Hopefully we will be able to do that Liv.